
Three Quarks for Muster Mark

Quarks are the basic building blocks of our matter. Maybe they are not the most basic, but they are more basic than any other particle we know or have found so far.


DIY Reflow Ofen

Ever wonder how all of those tiny chips and components can fit inside your laptop or smartphone? If you tried to squeeze them in there yourself, your laptop would quickly become too heavy for your lap, and your mobile phone would need wheels to stay mobile.

The secret to miniaturization is surface mount soldering. Surface mount soldering is peformed in a temperature controlled oven so that the components solder themselves to the circuit board. Today, we make a surface mount soldering (or reflow) oven using a regular countertop toaster oven and an Arduino.


Voting Modules

We developed for the project "Bank für Gemeinwohl" seven interactive voting modules. By touching the logo on the outside of the window pane the counter number moves up. For the detection of the contact, a metal foil was placed behind the window pane and is connected to an IO pin of an arduinos.

The Arduino continuously measures the capacity when a finger is placed, the capacity increases rapidly and is used as a trigger.

interactive design
Technologie & Materialien: 

Voting Module

Im Rahmen der Vienna Biennale "Ideas for Change" haben wir für das Projekt Bank für Gemeinwohl sieben interaktive Voting Module entwickelt. Durch die Berührung des Logos aussen auf der Fensterscheibe springt der Zähler um eine Zahl höher. 

Für die Erkennung der Berührung wurde auf beiden Seiten des Fensters eine Metallfolie plaziert und mit einem IO Pin eines Arduinos verbunden. 

Der Arduino misst kontinuierlich die Kapazität, wenn ein Finger aufgelegt wird steigt die Kapazität schnell an, dieser Anstieg wird als Trigger verwendet.

interactive installation
Fünf weitere Module in den Räumlichkeiten der Bank
Zig 7Segmentmodule ...
Letzte Montage eines 2er Moduls, es fehtl nur noch die Rückenplatte.

Bicycle-powered phone charger

Last night we finished a prototype for charging mobile phones. The LED display shows the produced power, some animations and statistics. Tomorrow the prototype will be on the Radgipfel 2015 - in Klagenfurt, next week in France. We have implemented the project with IG Fahrrad Vienna. 



Wie jedes Jahr nehmen wir und auch alle Tätigen des Kunstkanals an dem Atelierrundgang Q202 im zweiten Bezirk teil. Vom 24. bis 26. April (14 bis 21 Uhr) gibt es neben Kaffe, Kuchen und Bier auch Einblick in künstlerische Werke, innovative als auch traditionelle Produkte unterschiedlicher Bereiche - von Medieninstalltionen, Lesung und Performance bis hin zur Schuh- und Korbflecht-Manufaktur ... und natürlich in all unsere Räume und Arbeitsplätze.



As every year, we and all those working at the kunstkanal take part at the Q202 art walk in the second district in vienna. From April 24th to 26th (2pm to 9pm) there will be coffee, cake and beer as well as an insight into artistic works, innovative and traditional products from various areas - from media installations, readings and performance to shoe making and basket weaving ... and of course you can take a look in all of our rooms and workplaces.


Thermobooth V2

Interaction and interface design of the second version of thermobooth (photobooth) developed by taliaYstudio in cooperation with Osram. The thermobooth is based on the principles of social design, it prints out a photo only by social interaction, when two ore more persons are touching each other. The photos are immediately printed via a photo printer, but it is also possible that the photos are sent by email or on facebook. With a webapplication you are able to select the best photo or to make fine adjustments of the hardware.


interaction & interface design
@light+building, frankfurt 2014
setup@light+building, frankfurt 2014
thermobooth brain
