Maybach prototype LED-Matrix control system for a passive LED matrix
The LED control-system should be able to receive pixeldata from an attached PC and do 16 shades of gray. With this configuration our system managed to display 15fps with a refresh rate of up to 100Hz. The pixeldata came from a webcam attached to a Linux Netbook. On this computer the image was scaled an dedistorted using OpenCV and transferred to the LED-screen using ledbridge. The controller had to drive the 15mA rated LEDs at 240mA to achieve the full brightness while scanning through the 16 rows, yet never stop scanning the matrix because that would burn out the LEDs instantly! Achieving the high frame- and refresh-rate with the ATMega32 was a difficult task, I had to think of an optimized framebuffer layout to decode the incoming pixeldata to in order to achieve the high refresh rate. Also I had to use assembler because with C the required performance just can't be reached.
Video ´the invisible Maybach´ by Michal Plata, 2010
Jahr: 2010 | Auftraggeber: Areus Engineering | Technologien und Materialien: LED-Matrix | 16 July, 2010 - 00:00
| nora |
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