

So we wanted to deploy CEPH at parts of our Infrastructure. CEPH is a high availability, distributed, infinitly scalable storage solution and it's open source too! But there's one caveat - it needs really fast connections between nodes. Our main infrastructure runs on Gigabit Ethernet. This was fine, we have extensive monitoring and it's not causing any bottlenecks, but too slow for CEPH. Upgrading the core network to 10 Gigabit would be very costly, increase power consumption and only be marginally beneficial.



LEDBridge ist unsere Softwarelösung um LED-Displays aller Art anzusteuern. Ursprünglich haben wir sie 2008 entwickelt um LedShowT9, welches von unserem LED-Teppich benötigt wird, zu ersetzen da LedShowT9 nur unter Windows läuft und zahlreiche andere Mängel hat. Seit damals ist die Software gewachsen und hat viele neue Features dazubekommen um Videosignale von allen möglichen Quellen entgegenzunehmen und viele Arten von LED-Displays anzusteuern.

2008 bis heute


Toublo Ist ein einfacher Bild- und Animationseditor der speziell für LED-Displays entwickelt wurde. Am Besten lässt sich Toublo mit LED-Displays niedriger Auflösung einsetzen, ein praktisches Größenlinit ist aber nicht vorhanden. Einzelbilder können Pixelweise oder mit einfachen 2D-Zeichenwerkzeugen gemalt werden und Frame für Frame zu einer Animation zusammengesetzt werden. Toublo unterstützt einige Protokolle über LEDBrdgde. Eigene Protokolle lassen sich in ToubloScript (basierend auf Javascript) implementieren.


Note that currently we are not continuing the development of Aurino any further since it has proven not to be very practical for most setups due to the following reasons:


Toublo is an image and animation editor specially designed for LED-displays. Although it has no real display size restrictions it works best with low-resolution displays. Toublo features simple drawing and frame-by-frame animation editing. It can directly connect to Aurinko-based displays and drive other displays using ledbridge. You can also implement your own protocols using the embedded Rhino-based Javascript-Environment we call ToubloScript.


Ledbridge is our main software for controlling LED-Displays. It was initially developed in 2008 to replace the proprietary, windows-only software LedShowT9 and allow the LEDsMob to be controlled from Linux systems. Since then a lot of features have been added to it. It's modular design allows it to capture frames from all kinds of sources and drive various kinds of displays. Ledbridge is primary designed for Linux systems but, while lacking some Linux specific features, it has also been successfully tested on Mac OS X and FreeBSD. Windows is not supported at the moment.


Note that currently we are not continuing the development of Aurino any further since it has proven not to be very practical for most setups due to the following reasons: