Stromerzeugendes Windrad
Eine verbesserte Version werden wir demnächst veröffentlichen.
In diesem Workshop wollen wir mit Kindern ein Windrad aus einem alten Diskettenlaufwerk bauen und damit eine Leuchtdiode zum Blinken bringen oder einen Akku für das Handy oder Kamera aufladen. Die Rotorblätter werden wir aus gebrauchten PET Flaschen konstruieren.
1. Materialliste
elektronische Komponenten |
SwarmCube Workshop, 2011
BoBo Gadgetto Workshop
We designed 15 construction kits to solder a wearable led screen with 256 LEDs (3 colors: green, red, orange) for a soldering workshop on the the Art on Wires Symposium 2010 in Oslo. Components For getting an overview take a look on the components overview. The Microprocessor (Atmel AtMega8) is the heart of our board, it handles USB communications, controlls the LEDs and does radio transmitting and receiving. We need to use the shift registers, because the processor has way to few pins to drive all the LEDs directly.
Playful Spaces Workshop
We will toy with the constraints & ressources of gadgetry and modify it for some "artistic" purpose
In this workshop we will show you how to modify gadgets and how to turn them from plain nuisance to a tool of glitchy, noisy awesomeness. The techniques shown are pretty easy -- even for the unexperienced in electronics. All you need is to be willing to make mistakes, repeatedly pop batteries in and out in order to reset things after crashing the processor, and a desire to make cool new stuff.